Before my weight loss holding my youngest daughter |
Competing and training for triathlons has helped me lose over 180 pounds. The transformation was a lot of work and a long road, but well worth it. In July of 2008 I weighed 392 pounds and had many health problems because of my obesity. I had sleep apnea, high blood pressure, asthma, bad knees, head aches, dizzy spells and the list went on. I had several visits to the doctors' office and the hospital, as a result of my excessive weight. One doctor who was up front with me said I was a "ticking time bomb". The truth of the matter was that I did not need a doctor to tell me that, it was obvious!
Through out my life I have struggled with my weight. I have tried many times to lose weight and would succeed briefly, but only to gain it all back and more each time. I have been blessed with a beautiful and supportive wife and two precious daughters. Many times my wife would ask me, "don't you love us? If you did you would lose weight". She worried very much about my health. I love my family very much and wanted to lose weight so badly, but it's not that easy. In our society we are tempted in so many ways, ads, friends, family. I know that ultimately I am directly responsible for my own decisions. I did not know how to lose weight and I new that surgery was not the answer for me.
70.3 Ironman Bike Ride |
Running in the Chile Harvest Triathlon |
I distinctly remember the night when my life changed. It was July 4th 2008 and my family and I were staying with my father-in-law. We had just finished a dinner and of coarse I ate more than my share. I had gone to bed that night feeling miserable and stuffed. I put on my mask from my C-pap machine (a machine that helps you breath when you have sleep apnea) and settled in for bed. While in bed I was deep in thought about my state of health. I knew that I was at the end of my rope and that if I did not do something, life for me would take a turn for the worst. I did not know what to do so I appealed to a higher court and asked God, "In the name of Jesus Christ, will you please help me lose my excessive weight"? Now I can't explain it other than by the grace of God, my prayer was answered. The next day I had a burning desire to change my life style. Its funny how God places people in your life. A month prior to my prayer request I met Russell Shute, who would become one of my best friends and like a brother. We started to walk around the park (that was about all I could do at the time) and swim at a public pool. Russell is a triathlete and asked me to do a triathlon with him. At first I thought it was a crazy idea. Can you imagine swimming, biking and running all in the same day? I knew that God had provided a way for me to lose weight and to this day I am thankful for being so blessed. God is an awesome God!
Ironman 70.3 swim |
When I first started training progress was slow because I had so much weight to lose and was in such terrible shape. I consistently worked out and ate a healthy diet. Finally, in April of 2009, I competed in my first triathlon. I entered the race as a Clydesdale (triathletes who weigh more than 200 pounds). I finished last in my division, as a matter of fact I was one of the last to finish. But none of that mattered to me, I had finished my first triathlon and wanted more! Currently I have reached a weight that I am happy with. My weight will fluctuate between 205-215 lbs. depending on the time of year.
To date I have competed in twenty five triathlons including two 70.3 Ironman events. I have placed first in the Clydesdale division in seven triathlon events. In 2010 I placed 2nd overall in the master Clydesdale division for the Southwest Series Challenge. Please do not think that I am boasting in myself because all of these accomplishments are thanks to God and are for His glory. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Phil. 4.13
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